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Handicraft: Rehabilitation through Work in a Supportive Social Setting

Project Goal:Bringing together women in need of physical, mental and economic rehabilitation to learn practical sewing and embroidery skills, to concentrate on simple manual work, to enjoy sociability, and to earn an income from selling their products. Target Group:Disabled women and women in economic hardship from Shu'fat Refugee Camp and surrounding areas.  Project Plan:Each group will attend a two-hour session twice a week. The supervisor is trained in special methods appropriate for disabled patients. The instructor will prepare the design of the pieces and plan overall production for the year. A yearly exhibition will attract attention to the work of the Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled and for Special Education, and will give an opportunity to sell the products, consisting of purses, bags, clothes and other small pieces. The income from the sales will provide pocket money for the participants in order to encourage them to work, and will fund the continuation of the project.



1)Provide a suitable workplace for mentally and physically disabled women where concentration on manual work is used as a rehabilitating method.2) Teach practical skills to women in economic straits who can then set up their own enterprises.3)Give the participants a supportive social space which will allow them to break out of the isolated lives they usually lead, with all its psychological consequences, and to give them a chance to participate in society.4)Earn an income for the participants and fund the project;Promote Palestinian folklore in the form of traditional embroidery patterns
